6 Strategies for successful WhatsApp opt-ins

This blog explores WhatsApp opt-ins, providing strategies for businesses to gain customer consent seamlessly and adhere to data privacy regulations, which are essential for WhatsApp marketing.

6 Strategies for successful WhatsApp opt-ins

In a world of constant connection, WhatsApp is  has become a marketing game-changer, letting your businesses to connect with customers in a way that is both direct and personal. Its advantages, such as real-time engagement, multimedia content sharing, and impressive global open rates of approximately 98%, surpass those of traditional channels.

However, in the evolving landscape defined by Meta, securing WhatsApp opt-ins has become a crucial prerequisite. In fact, data privacy laws like GDPR, PDPA, and many others suggest customer consent acquisition and consent management by businesses. Businesses now increasing seek for customers’ consent before utilising the WhatsApp Business API, ensuring that messages reach only those genuinely interested in updates. This blog will equip you with effective strategies and best practices to drive opt-ins successfully. Let's dive in!

What is meant by WhatsApp opt-in?

A WhatsApp business opt-in serves as a clear declaration of consent from your users, prospects, or customers. By opting in, they express their interest in your product or service, granting your business permission to send them messages and notifications on WhatsApp. Prior to initiating any conversation or sending promotional messages, it is suggested to obtain explicit WhatsApp consent from your customers and prospects.

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Why do businesses need to obtain WhatsApp opt-ins?

Securing customer consent for sending promotional messages is crucial, and there are additional advantages to gathering WhatsApp opt-ins. Messaging without consent poses risks like blocking, reporting for spam, and a potential decrease in your business quality rating, potentially resulting in messaging limitations or account suspension.

Acquiring opt-ins from customers demonstrates your business's dedication to safeguarding your customer privacy and adhering to ethical practices.

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WhatsApp opt-in key guidelines

Before exploring opt-in strategies, it is essential to understand the guidelines set by the WhatsApp Business API. Failure to comply with these guidelines will not only put customer relationships at risk but may also result in account limitations or suspensions. Key rules include:

  • Active opt-in requirement: Opt-in must be actively triggered by a user action, indicating explicit consent. 
  • User control over phone number: Users must have control over associating their phone number with the opt-in.
  • Clear opt-in messaging: The opt-in language must be clear, specifying the type of information users will receive.
  • Approved message templates: All user-initiated communications should use approved message templates for quality and relevance.
  • 24-hour messaging window: Communications can continue for up to 24 hours after user initiation without extra charges.
  • Direct escalation paths: Automated responses within the 24-hour window must provide a direct path to a human agent.

By adhering to these rules, businesses can maintain compliance, ensuring effective use of WhatsApp Business solutions.

Strategies to get WhatsApp opt-ins

1. Incorporate WhatsApp opt-in on registration

Enhance your signup page by including an option for users to opt in for WhatsApp updates after providing the necessary details. Clearly outline the types of messages they can anticipate, such as promotional offers, transaction notifications, OTPs, and more.

WhatsApp opt-in on registration

2. Utilise email campaigns for WhatsApp opt-ins

An effective method to encourage WhatsApp opt-ins is through email campaigns. Inform users about your presence on WhatsApp, providing a convenient channel for their inquiries and customer support needs. Given that emails have a lower open rate than WhatsApp, transitioning communication from emails to WhatsApp can greatly enhance business growth.

WhatsApp opt-in on email campaigns

3. Embed a WhatsApp widget on website for opt-ins

Placing a WhatsApp button on your website is a creative strategy for obtaining WhatsApp opt-ins. By integrating a free WhatsApp button, you can smoothly guide website visitors to send the first message to businesses which means they have automatically opted in t o receive WhatsApp updates. Enhance this by including a pre-filled message that expresses their interest in receiving updates from your business. This pre-filled message automatically appears in users' text windows when they click the WhatsApp button. For a hassle-free implementation, create and embed your WhatsApp widget with ease using Pepper Cloud CRM.

WhatsApp widget on website for opt-ins
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4. Leverage social media channels

Optimise user engagement and secure WhatsApp opt-ins effectively by utilising popular social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Enhance your business profile by adding a WhatsApp link, guiding users seamlessly to WhatsApp. Run targeted ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram, directing users to engage and convert on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp opt-ins from social media ads

5. Encourage opt-ins during initial customer interaction

A highly effective approach to obtaining opt-ins is to inquire whether customers initiating contact for inquiries or support on WhatsApp would like to receive future messages. Given their proactive engagement, they are likely more open to receiving additional communication from your business.

WhatsApp opt-ins during initial customer interaction

6. Leverage ongoing conversations and workflows

Encourage customers to opt in by integrating WhatsApp into crucial communication moments, such as order confirmations, boarding passes, and delivery notifications. Additionally, simplify the process by incorporating optional checkboxes during checkout, allowing customers to conveniently subscribe to updates from your business as they finalise their transactions.


Ensuring a streamlined and transparent opt-in process is paramount for businesses leveraging the WhatsApp API to align with the platform's guidelines. It's crucial to strike a balance, making the opt-in experience seamless and straightforward for customers while providing clear and informative details.

Further readings

7 WhatsApp sales tactics to maximise profits

10 Benefits of using WhatsApp CRM for SMEs